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2024-06-28 23:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




as 的基本意思:

prep. 当作,作为

conj. 正如,因为,像,按照,虽然

adv. 一样,同样

pron. 这一点,凡…的

1. 用作连词,表示让步 (意为:虽然,尽管),要用于倒装句,且倒装后位于句首的名词通常不用冠词 (等于though, 但语气稍弱):

Child as [though] he was, he did quite well. 他虽是个孩子,但已干得很不错。

2. 用作关系代词,主要用法有二:

(1) 用在such, same, as等之后,引导限制性定语从句:

This is the same watch as I lost. 这块表跟我丢失的那块一样。

Such men as (=Those men who) heard of him praised him. 听说过他的人都赞扬他。

(2) 单独用作关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,可放在主句之前 (常译为:正如)或之后 (常译为:这一点),且主从句之间一般要用逗号隔开:

He was absent, as is often the case. 他缺席了,这是常有的事。

As was expected, he succeeded at last. 正如我们所料,他终于成功了。

3. 用来表示目的,下面两种句子结构都可以:


正:Write carefully so as to make every sentence clear.

正:Write so carefully as to make every sentence clear.

4. 在正式文体 (尤其是文学体裁)中,as后可用倒装语序表示“…也一样”这类意思 (现代英语通常so表示这一用法):

He travelled a great deal, as did most of his friends. 他去过许多地方旅游,他的多数朋友也是一样。

He plays the piano, as does his mother. 他会弹钢琴,他母亲也会。

注:用作连词,表示原因 (参见because),表示时间 (参见when)。

5. 用于 as if / as though, 意为“仿佛”、“似乎”。两者一般可通用 (但注意不能说 as although)。用法上注意几点:

(1) as if [though] 可引导状语从句和表语从句,从句谓语根据语义的要求,可用陈述语气 (若可能为事实)或虚拟语气 (若为假设或不太可能是事实):

It looks as if it is going to rain. 天似乎要下雨了。

It seems as if you’re right. 似乎你是对的。

He talks as though he knew everything. 他夸夸其谈,好像无所不知。

When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it were broken. 当把一支铅笔的一部分放在一杯水里时,它看起来好像折断了似的。


He paused as though he found a difficulty. 他停了下来,似乎遇到了一个难题。

She felt as if she lost something. 他觉得似乎丢了什么东西。

(2) 当从句主语与主句主语一致,且从句谓语中又包括有动词be时,从句主语及其谓语中的动词be通常可以省去:

From time to time he turned round as though (he was) searching for someone. 他不时地四下张望,好像在找人。

He opened his mouth as if (he was) to speak. 他张开口,好像要说话似的。

6. 关于 as…as, 用法注意:

(1) 中间只能用形容词或副词的原级,不能用比较级或最高级。如果在第二个as之后使用独立的人称代词,一般说来用主格 (较正式)或宾格 (非正式)均可:

He’s as old as she her. 他年纪跟她一样大。


He is as old as she is.


You love him as much as I (=as I love him). 你爱他像我爱他一样。

You love him as much as me (=as you love me). 你爱他像爱我一样。

(2) 在肯定句中用as…as, 在否定句中用not as…as或not so…as 均可:

He doesn’t study as [so] hard as his brother. 他学习不如他弟弟努力。

(3) 要注意比较对象的一致性,即比较的双方必须是可以比较的的同类人或物,否则会出错:

正:The population of China is much larger than that of Japan. 中国人口比日本人口多得多。

误:The population of China is much larger than Japan.

(此句错在将 the population of China 与 Japan 来比较,比较对象不一致)


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